GHOST RIDERS MG 1996 - 2005 / GHOST RIDERS MC -2006 - 2010

Love, Honour & Respect.
(Red,White and Silver)

This patch is frame to be reminded of the hard earn three patch and the brotherly support to earn a 1%er today.

Members : Charlie (Founder and President), Eddie (VP), TJ(RC-Tres), Alfian, Dennis(Sec), Titus(Sgt-@-Arms), Sleazefunk(Webmaster), Fendi, Shawal, Bobo, Shortee, Mamat, As, Charly,Hafiz, Abang, Adik, Rill, Bob and more...

In mid 2005 - GRMG was a hang around chapter of Bandidos MC Europe and in 2006 all members are officially a member of 1%er Bandidos MC Probationary Singapore Chapter.

P.S: Ghost Rider MC was resurrected with a Red and Gold colours with a selected true few new crew some previously from Iron Chariots Org in 2007. Members are : Bad,Rizan,Yazid,Adi and Fifi. The Member grew and span to Melaka- Malaysia with a total member of thirteen.

GRMC was officially announced of its closure in 2010.

From Left: Sgt Ayie, Ex VP Rizan Star, Gavin, RoadCap Yaz Ketoprak, VP Adi Reaper, Pres Bad69, Secretary Sleazefunk, Treasurer Stermon, Prospect Brad Robinson a.k.a Casper.

GRMG and GRMC patch will forever be sewn in our heart.